Autism Diagnosis & Behavioral Evaluation Services | The Faison Center
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Behavioral Health Clinic > Diagnostic Services

Diagnostic Services

Faison offers ADOS-2 Administration as well as autism diagnostic services and behavioral evaluation services within our Behavioral Health Clinic to assess learning and developmental concerns including:

  • Autism spectrum disorders (ASD)

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

  • Behavioral and emotional disorders


ADOS-2 Administration and Reporting: Cost = $450

Our trained clinicians will administer the ADOS-2 and provide a written report detailing the results. The ADOS-2 is the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule and is considered the gold standard in assessing individuals of all ages to assist in diagnosing autism spectrum disorders. The report may be taken to a medical doctor (pediatrician, physician, etc) who has agreed to consider making a diagnosis based on the results of the ADOS-2 assessment. Following the delivery of the report, clinicians are available for a 30-minute follow-up meeting at no cost. 


Diagnostic Evaluation (Cost = approximately $1675-2300)

A diagnostic evaluation for autism spectrum disorders consists of direct observation by our trained team, including a clinical psychologist, as well as a review of information gathered from parents, teachers, caregivers, and other professionals working with the individual.

  • Team Observation

  • Information Review

  • Comprehensive Results

  • Evaluation Results with Recommendations and Resources


The evaluation process for the diagnostic services includes:

  • Intake and interview session

  • Testing

  • Feedback meeting and written report with recommendations for learning, academic, social/interpersonal and behavioral success.


The Faison Center does not accept insurance for these services and payment is due at the time of the appointment.


The Behavioral Health Clinic's diagnostic office is located at 5311 Markel Road, Richmond VA 23230.

What is my next step?

Start the process by scheduling a 15-minute consult with a Clinician.

Diagnostic Services CTA
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